95-Ashok Colony
Tanakpur Road
Pilibhit, U.P.


+91 8445210399


General Information


  • If your child is absent, please inform the school, preferably your child's class teacher, promptly, in writing.
  • Repeated absence without leaves or unexplained absence for several consecutive days, will result in the student’s name being struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted at the discretion of the Principal.
  • A student returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a doctor's certificate permitting attendance. This measure is in the interest of all children.
  • Parents have to give one calendar months’ notice for the withdrawal of their wards, failing which, a month's dues in lieu of the notice, will be charged.
  • No child should attend school if he/she is suffering from fever even if there is a test or exam. The parents should inform the class teacher by either sending in an application or on telephone.
  • A child who remains absent for a test or examination without information will not be awarded any marks for the same.


  • The school will communicate with parents through the almanac (the school diary) of the child. Parents are requested to look into it daily to do the needful. They must sign these entries.
  • Maintain regular contact with the class teacher and coordinators to discuss any issues or concerns. This ongoing communication ensures that any matters related to your child's education and well-being are promptly addressed.
  • Parents must attend Parent-Teacher Meetings (PTM) to discuss the academic and overall progress of their child. These meetings provide an opportunity to meet with all concerned teachers and gain a comprehensive understanding of your child's development.

School Session

  • • The school will follow a two-term assessment programme. At the end of the term the parents would be invited to discuss the progress of their wards with the concerned teachers. A formal progress report would be given after each term during the Parent-Teacher meeting reflecting the regular evaluation of the child's all-round progress during the term.


  • The school offers scholarships to deserving and meritorious students. Prizes and awards are awarded every year to students of all classes for both academics and co-curricular activities.
  • The parents are requested not to spend lavishly on food, presents etc. on a child's birthday as it disrupts the normal routine. The school celebrates the birthday of each child in the assembly and a special prayer is said. At the most. parents are requested to send not more than a sweet or two for the children of the class. Anything more than this will be sent back. It is also suggested that the child presents a book to the library with his/her compliments on his/her birthday.