Event Date: 23-Nov-2020
Updated On: 25-Nov-2020
Total Video(s): 1
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Description: Keeping in view the safety and security of students and social distancing protocols Little Angels School has started conducting classes for the students of 10th and 12th grade.
Students of these grades will have the option of attending the classes physically or virtually, only on a voluntary basis for guidance from the teachers subject to written permission of parents.
But the institution has insured proper and frequent sanitization, prior to resumption of activities in all the work areas intended for teaching/ lectures, etc. , including laboratories ,also other common utility areas with particular attention to frequently touched surfaces.
At Little Angels the administration is taking a considerable care to maintain a physical distancing of six feet apart ,wherever feasible.
Scheduling of activities and seating plans have been made accordingly.
Perfect queue management has been maintained during morning assemblies,where specific markings on the floor have been made with the gap of 6 feet.
Also, social distancing is well regulated in staff rooms, office areas including reception area and other places like libraries laboratories etc.
The school is observing all the preventive measures that are to be followed to reduce the risk of covid-19.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizer bottles are made available at each floor for the students as well as teachers. The administration emphasizes frequent use of these sanitizers and regular hand washing, wherever feasible.
Respiratory etiquettes are strictly followed in the school premises which involves strict practice of covering one's mouth and nose with a mask , mandatorily,and also proper thermal screening for the students and teachers along with Pulse- Oximeter to check oxygen saturation levels of the staff and students, is arranged and practiced daily ,at the entrance,itself.
Wall paintings and posters on preventive measures about covid-19, to create awareness, are displayed prominently in the premises.
Also entry of visitors is strictly regulated in the institution.
Daily cleaning and regular sanitization on all the floors of the school are taken up, on mandatory basis.
Thus,Little Angels aims at creating a safer environment for their students and staff, which requires thoughtful,carefully executed re-opening plans, addressing cleaning and disinfecting strategies, following the recommended guidelines set forth ,by the Education Ministry .